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For many moms, business has been far from usual. We all know how this pandemic has brought a new sense of pressure, but for moms who are running a business with’s especially tough. Moms are superheroes and they wear a million hats but juggling business and motherhood through this pandemic has truly raised the bar.

Moms across the country are dealing with their own unique challenges such as choosing between family or work, who's staying home with the kids, and who gets to continue their passion project. Between kids being sent home left-right and centre and working overtime to make everything work, how can moms stay inspired, energized, and on track during these unpredictable times?

Here are some tips for mom entrepreneurs from a mom who's running two businesses with two kids under 4.

TIP # 1

Delegate & get what you need by outsourcing

This is by far my number one tip. It truly takes a village to raise kids and that’s a beautiful thing, But... so is moving the needle. It’s important to find help whether it be a part-time or full-time nanny. If you cannot afford it, ask your family members or perhaps your partner jumps in. Whatever it may be, running a business takes some serious undivided attention and it’s okay to do what you need to do so that you can focus. Mom guilt won’t get you anywhere.

TIP # 2

Join the 5 am club

The 5 am club sounds like a daunting task (especially since you're already up late catching up ) but it can be a game-changer for mom entrepreneurs with kids. This time is a slice of heaven with little to no distractions. It takes around a week or so to get used to, but once you realize the magic of this early morning will see what I mean. There is nothing like peace and quiet, warm coffee, and a few hours to think clearly (which is hard to do around the kids). You can spend that time catching up, setting your intentions and tasks for the day, stretching, getting ready, and or having some breakfast.

TIP # 3

Be realistic about your timeline, budget, and focus on the lowest hanging fruit!

Thanks to the pandemic, nothing looks the same. That may mean an entirely new budget, managing your finances in a new way and or pivoting and trying something new. However, It may be that your current goal becomes a longer-term goal. Use this time to reflect, realign, and gravitate towards what is working. Do not try to play the marketing manager if it’s not your strength. Hire from a freelancer site like Upwork, Tellent, or Fiver because the less learning curve the better. Hire people who know what to do and especially if you are pivoting on a timeline.

TIP # 4

Prep as much as you can for a successful week and be prepared to be flexible for the unexpected

Sundays are the perfect time to get caught up on some laundry or household chores and or relax and get the week prepared before the calls begin. Write out a list of your priorities, calls, tasks, and notes. Catch up on groceries, pick out clothes, meal prep your lunches, or anything to get ahead because the day can be unpredictable. Using tools like Asana or Trello makes a world of a difference.

TIP # 5

Join the Ecosystem

Join female founder communities, Pitch competitions, and attend webinars, digital events, and connect with and learn from other powerful women. Surround yourself with successful women who have been there online and utilize the resources around you such as business plan templates, cashflow, and attend digital marketing webinars. Just show up and be yourself and share your unique story. Entrepreneurship is a lonely road without people to lean on, talk to, and bounce ideas.

There is no doubt that motherhood is the hardest job in the world. Now add starting and running a business and somewhere in between all of that you will need to take a bath or see some friends for drinks, and or vent about the ups and downs of life . Staying connected to friends and family during your business journey is important because you need to take a break from work and just be you. That is where you will get inspired again! In life, things never go as planned so take things in stride- one day at a time and stay positive.

Make sure you carve out the time for relationships and pamper yourself because work will always be there. The number one priority is the relationship between you and the people around you. If that is good, everything will fall into place. If I can leave you with one thing it would be...tomorrow is a new day and that it will all be okay!


Written by: Anna Sinclair

Anna Sinclair is a transformation CEO with expertise in entrepreneurship, event planning, and brand consulting . With more than fifteen years of experience across music, entertainment, and entrepreneurship, Anna is currently the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Total Mom Inc. Anna additionally supports brands under her own firm the Sinclair Creative Agency as well as ongoing professional business consulting. If you are a mom entrepreneur that needs support and funding, apply to $30,000 Canada’s Total Mom small business Pitch.


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